sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

New blog, new projects

I started learning Rails in the Rails Summer of Code. One of my activities was writing my discoveries or activities in a blog. I liked the experience of writing a blog because I can
     - help people who have the same technical problems that I had.
     - summarize everything that is important so I could use in the future if I need.
     - see my evolution in the time.
     - have feedback from colleagues who can give me a different point of view.

So, I decided writing a blog independent of the project of the Voluntary Disaster Assistance.

If you wish read the original blog that I used in the RGSoC is: http://disaster-assistance.blogspot.de/

In this new blog I am going to speak about Ruby, TDD, BDD or books that I am reading.

Now, I am reading two books:
- The RSpec Book: Behaviour-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends
- Clean Code

For the first book I am writing the code that appears in the book in the repository code-breaker.
I am applying the ideas from the second book in a small application called translate_german_words.

For today that's all!!

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